Muscularity in a sentence as a noun

A normal person looking at me before and after would say that I had strictly increased in muscularity.

But we're looking for tightness; muscularity, not fat; Quality not quantity.

You'll have the opportunity to flex your technical muscularity while building on your already impressive skillset.

I assume the intention is to impart a sense of muscularity, but to me that just looks misguided and embarrassingly macho, like the car equivalent of body building.

While many high-status product categories have certainly embraced the latter for ages, it’s the tallness and muscularity what truly matters for the Abercrombie & Fitch effect to take place.

It was a years ago, I think there's a... muscularity threadmill that maps with the growth of fitness social media in the last few years that started prioritizing towards size via functionality and strength.

Let's take, as an example, one of the clearer paragraphs:In advocacy, good writing will reflect muscularity, pulling a reader from first to last by force of logical inevitability.

That's fine and good -- anything that gives people fun and satisfaction is great -- but there are many other ways of judging health and fitness that seem prima facie far superior to an obsession with body fat and muscularity.

There's also VFX that adds muscularity in these productions, so we're also dealing with filters at the end of the day, but most people do not know that muscularity is just as easily edited in live action as facial features or de-aging.

The walrus evokes a kind of avuncular humor, as well as a kind of powerful muscularity, both of which are very appealing across many demographicswell, launching with the dot net is a bit risky, but we're an internet underpinnings kind of company right?

>"toxic masculinity"If your breadth/etc contains higher than allowed testosterone you'll be fined and made to take medication in order to control those extremely toxic traits: mas·cu·lin·i·ty /ˌmaskyəˈlinədē/ noun noun: masculinity; plural noun: masculinities possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men. "handsome, muscled, and driven, he's a prime example of masculinity" synonyms: virility, manliness, maleness, machismo, vigor, strength, muscularity, ruggedness, robustness; [informal] testosterone

Muscularity definitions


the physiological state of having or consisting of muscle


possessing muscular strength

See also: brawn brawniness muscle sinew heftiness


an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing); "his writing conveys great energy"; "a remarkable muscularity of style"

See also: energy vigor vigour