Murmuring in a sentence as a noun

He could not help murmuring.> Ah, said the old man, I never had one of those things.

" yells back the murmuring russian, in english now. "Is no King's Bay any more.

You have anecdptes and people murmuring stuff here and there, and you have to figure it out yourself.

How the **** is anyone supposed to solve a problem with people constantly murmuring all around you?

I spend most of my nights getting 2-4 hours of sleep and murmuring about math and programming during the other 4-6 hours.

Well.... Maybe it is because all of your sentences.... sound like awkward murmuring.... with all those extra periods.......

The article is rife with Orientalist gawking and murmuring of approval.

"Reuters reports that this "prompted guffaws and widespread murmuring from the audience," with someone quipping, "I can't eat an iPad.

Murmuring in a sentence as an adjective

"the moan of doves in immemorial elms and murmuring of innumerable bees" "the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free" That's alliteration.

Because one of those is fairly noncontroversial and likely to promote generally nodding and murmuring.

Everybody with headphones on never notices how loud they are eating/drinking/coughing/murmuring/adjusting things however.

But that doesn't mean that the ancient Egyptians used to waste hours staring into newly-emptied buckets and baskets in stunned amazement, murmuring "what on earth is that" to themselves in Coptic.

For example, someone might say it's wrong to steal on Monday, but on Friday they might embezzle some money while murmuring 'god helps those who help themselves', balancing it out with an hour or two of being a poor sinner on Sunday before deciding they've been forgiven at the end of it.

You say that as though disliking a ride on a filthy bus while sitting next to a homeless guy who smells like urine and stale vomit and is leering saliciously at every woman on the bus while murmuring obscenities and rubbing his groin is some sort of illegitimate and invalid reason that only a precious bourgeois person would dare to think.

Have you actually read the essay to which you're linking?>Meanwhile, much murmuring has been going on in recent months to the supposed effect that the absence of judicial enforcement, in US or other courts, somehow demonstrates that there is something wrong with the GPL, that its unusual policy goal is implemented in a technically indefensible way, or that the Free Software Foundation, which authors the license, is afraid of testing it in court.

Murmuring definitions


a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech

See also: mutter muttering murmur murmuration mussitation


a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone

See also: grumble grumbling murmur mutter muttering


making a low continuous indistinct sound; "like murmuring waves"; "susurrant voices"

See also: susurrant whispering