Mundanity in a sentence as a noun

Eve is one of those games that is lots of mundanity punctuated by sheer terror.

It's not a men vs. women thing, as men are also not driven to abuse by "mundanity" or other silly things.

Aside from the tragedy of his loss, it is the mundanity of Jacob's death that is striking and instructional.

Making something like this look like it should be functioning in ways that it never will perhaps just serves to outline its mundanity.

If you choose experiences in any endeavor that are all drudgery and mundanity then of course you will experience an absence of excitement.

Or even worse, spent the whole day dealing with bureaucracy and mundanity and meetings and crisis management... Forget about getting any actual work done.

'"It's true, the mundanity quickly settles in, and we look to the next 'impossible hurdle' and disregard the fact that only a few years ago, natural language generation like this was impossible.

The wonder of a hypothetical world of people jacking into their sector of the matrix surrounded by bright geometries has been replaced by the mundanity of a real world of people staring at Facebook et al; we live the electronic consensus-hallucination of massive data, and are not impressed by someone telling us in abstract terms how wonderful it will be.

Mundanity definitions


the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment

See also: sophistication worldliness mundaneness


the quality of being commonplace and ordinary

See also: ordinariness mundaneness