Multifarious in a sentence as an adjective

" Don't you think people have to prioritize the actions they take to support their multifarious beliefs?

Something as big and multifarious as, say, Heidegger's notion of Dasein does not fit into this mold.

It's to sling lead at an enemy, which means slinging lead on a battlefield, and those are far more complex and multifarious tasks than you're making them out to be.

On Android everyone complains the vendors and networks keep pre-loading their multifarious crappy app stores.

Less so at work, but still not more complicated than the multifarious uses of, say, the modular connector family, or the DIN series.

Your argument - to associate the words of one unnamed person with an large and multifarious politics - is equally unhelpful.

Self motivated with funding from an angle, we are a bunch of professionals with multifarious expertise dedicated towards conquering the digital world.

In the meantime, multifarious ID laws will empower discrimination and disenfranchisement.

All people are multifarious in the sense that we each share both introverted and extroverted characteristics, albeit usually at different times, and within different circumstances.

Feminism is ridiculously multifarious, with hugely different groups going after hugely different instances of patriarchy.

Multifarious definitions


having many aspects; "a many-sided subject"; "a multifaceted undertaking"; "multifarious interests"; "the multifarious noise of a great city"; "a miscellaneous crowd"

See also: many-sided multifaceted miscellaneous