Mullah in a sentence as a noun

""Oh no " exclaimed the mullah in despair "What then?

"The mullah felt panic creeping up "And then?

" The mullah angrily told him "Move along.

The mullah's deciding on who gets to run has been replaced by the 1 percent, the donor class.

If you are still at the very young stage, and your main strength really is in your IP. But having said that, if your customer base is such that they would be happy to fix problems themselves given the source, that could save you a lot in support-mullah.

But halfway upstairs he turned back and chided himself for his impoliteness and asked me if I wanted to accompany him to his room"The mullah was beside himself "Oh my daughter what has he done to you?

Your slate is wiped clean.> Or what, exactly, would be meant by a "virginal purity test".Simply that many in social media demand a level of purity in thought and action from commenters and other writers that rivals in its puritanical zeal the worst excesses of the most ignorant village mullah.> No.

Mullah definitions


a Muslim trained in the doctrine and law of Islam; the head of a mosque

See also: Mullah Mollah Mulla