Mountebank in a sentence as a noun

Absent you, the lobbyists and mountebanks out there sure will.

From one of the comments "Whoever wrote this damned workbook is a mountebank and a fool.

And there is certainly no shortage of charlatans and mountebanks out there all too ready to lead them astray.

Some use of mountebank to replace troublesome downstream services with stubs returning canned data.

I laugh at the frauds and mountebanks of "quantum information theory" and the muppets who believe everything they say.

I can see a point of view that the article is promoting sociopaths as something desirable, but a mountebank?

We're not talking, in this case, about personality-blog mountebanks, or sycophants.

Great, another PR piece by the mountebank clown car at "OpenAI" trying to tell us the singularity is upon us, but please send us billions of investment dollars so we can make it so and protect you from evil.

But it says something about a president when the nicest thing you can say about most of their stated intentions is that they're a mountebank without the integrity or ability to actually follow through.

Stranger then Fiction, you couldn't make it up, no one would believe it:“This tendency towards pseudoreligiosity surfaces most clearly in Campbell’s relation with that mountebank and founder of exploitative cults, Hubbard”L.

Mountebank definitions


a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes

See also: charlatan