Mottled in a sentence as an adjective

The upscaled version is both more smoothed and more mottled.

But from only a few meters, it was clearly a mottled purple and black.

I wouldn't say floppy ears and mottled fur are baby-like.

When Youtube changed its background to mottled it was a bit surprising.

As you will no doubt soon find out, the world is not black and white, but excruciatingly mottled grey.

The "mottled grey texture" is probably a result of my camera.

Not to mention that everything people watch on these TVs is compressed to into a mottled pastiche of ****.

What this is missing is the mottled browning and yellowing from all the cigarette smoke on the beige plastic case.

Bananas are sort of a special case because by the time they hit peak sugar content they’re heavily mottled.

No. Static was the intention: a grey mottled sky, rife with noir-insinuation.

My friend is blond, with blue eyes and yoghurt-white skin that is now mottled with a million freckles, from her exposure to the Greek sun.

I like the asymmetry, but there is some sort of mottled grey texture behind the majority of the page which is grating.

With its red or mottled red leaves is the main banana tree cultured indoors as ornamental plant, and can be found in most professional gardens.

Even weirder is what is most commonly available as an “orange” in Thailand isn’t really orange on the outside - they have mottled green/orange skin.

I was just trying to find out what the “apriplum” I bought from the grocery store was, so I searched its produce code, 3278, and got a mottled pluot, so now I’ve got a plum and apricot with weird skin.

" Their tests cannot recognize every possible shade, but they are specific enough to distinguish between brown, blue and mottled brown-blue eyes, as well as brown, black, blonde and red hair.

Facebook's privacy controls are actually more fine grained than Google+'s and Google's track record with respect to privacy is just as mottled as Facebook's and includes some higher profile incidents as well.

Some important changes in physiology and morphology became visible, such as mottled or spotted colored fur. Some scientists[citation needed] believe that these changes obtaining from selection for tameness are caused by lower adrenaline production in the new population..."

\n Presently the cosmical cloud was disrupted by the stress of its expansion in \n conflict with the mutual clinging of its parts, disrupted into many million \n cloudlets, the swarm of the great nebulae.\n\n "For a while these were as close to one another in relation to their bulk as \n the flocculations of a mottled sky.

Mottled definitions


having spots or patches of color

See also: dappled