Motivating in a sentence as a noun

Is being 100% open-source really the motivating factor to use this over S3?

Having a supporting spouse, a couple of kids and a mortgage are enormously motivating so this should come as no surprise.

Money isn't hugely motivating for me. I mean, if I wanted more of it, I could have more of it, but I'm clearly not really optimizing for income-this-year.

Confidence, false or earned, is incredibly useful in motivating yourself to push limits and achieve great things.

"I’ve also discovered that nothing is more motivating than a high profile, non-negotiable deadline.

So while it's useful for understanding the idea behind monads, the examples are not very motivating in a language like JavaScript.

Motivating in a sentence as an adjective

The motivating factor seems to be preserving independent thinking and creativity.

As others have mentioned, it can be extremely motivating!However, I really don't care for most of my popular repos or some of the external ones I've contributed to.

Using that style of programming can significantly simplify some fairly common tasks in JavaScript; the drag-and-drop demo on their site is a good motivating example.

I think we should focus our knowledge into motivating the Teenagers to get interested into this, instead of developing more applications like Poke or a Facetime killer.

Sure, I can spend time getting a robot to solve a simple puzzle, navigate a maze, or whatever, but these types of projects seem so less motivating compared to the types of things that got me into coding in the first place: things I could share with others and that they would enjoy using.

> wrote that the company could “prevent citing of TH data by revealing him as noncredible.”> looked for ways to “exploit Hayes’ faults/problems.”> “If TH involved in scandal, enviros will drop him,”Heh, I thought corporations being this unethical and immoral was only a movies thing, not something that actually happens.> She wrote, “What’s motivating Hayes?—basic question.”Wow.

Motivating definitions


the act of motivating; providing incentive

See also: motivation


impelling to action; "it may well be that ethical language has primarily a motivative function"- Arthur Pap; "motive pleas"; "motivating arguments"