Motivate in a sentence as a verb

Some hollow, BS claim to motivate their employees.

If you're not happy, either motivate yourself in a positive way, or let it go.

You can define the agenda, you can get the right people, you can motivate them according to your style.

Here, Zynga is providing all the good facts an employee needs to motivate people to want to slap them upside the head.

Steve did seem to be able to hire, attract, or motivate as many talented engineers as he did drive away.

But, by default, telling all new people "you will not be here past 30 days unless you are pulling your weight" is not the right way to motivate someone to do their best.

It might be legal but it just plain looks bad and would hardly seem to be a good way to motivate people or to keep strong people in your company for the long term.

This would motivate researchers to find bugs for those companies that utilize the service, knowing payment will be impartial.

For example, I find it very difficult to motivate myself to do something I don't want to do, and easy to procrastinate.

* you should motivate the kernel transformation more thoroughly; by mapping the data into a higher-dimension space, you hope to find a separating boundary that isn't present in the natural space.

When you start with the understanding that there's huge impedance at "anything above free", it's clear why "$1" is not a particularly great price point, and why "better strategies to motivate people to part with $1" is a terrible meme to propagate.

However, to make such micro-targeted advertising practical, the social networks need to motivate their users to disclose information relevant to advertisers.

He already knew all of this, every bit of what we're experiencing, and our objection to his ideas is nothing more than an ideological almost religious belief that the most effective way to motivate individuals is to rank, rate, measure, and reward them accordingly.

Motivate definitions


give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"

See also: actuate propel move prompt incite