Motile in a sentence as a noun

$199 motile m141 laptop - up to 32GB no coil whine and has matte screen.

Started out about the Mac, then motile, telcos, iOS.

I prefer to think of the motile, living, thinking Hobbes as a real being that most people can't see.

Yes, illogical though it be, the fact that my eyelash dust might be motile bothers me less than seeing live arachnids in my food.

The present day robotic car wash design where the car stays still while the motile, rotating washing machinery moves around it comes to mind.

I haven’t fully read the article however even FB didn’t know at the time of the potential nor were they monetizing motile.

Motile in a sentence as an adjective

I'm no anti-vaxxer, but I cannot tell what's worse: a little known virus that hit us like an unexpectedly motile wall of bricks, or a rushed vaccine.

The rotor itself is composed of a number of alpha-helices that have a single location for a motile hydrogen to attach.

Hobbes as a motile, living, thinking being exists entirely as a figment in Calvin's mind, projected into the object of the toy tiger.

I'm neither a Luddite nor a Pollyanna, but we are so far from robots capable of perceiving that other motile functional units fail to align with their own directives....I'll stop now, this is ridiculous.

With it's motile upper sections and manipulable terminal section it's the perfect vehicle to deliver not only indications of agreement but many other natural gestures drawing you in to an incalculable world of novel experiences.

Motile definitions


one whose prevailing mental imagery takes the form of inner feelings of action


(of spores or microorganisms) capable of movement