Morphogenesis in a sentence as a noun

Read this man's 1 weird trick for explaining morphogenesis!

I don't understand his work on morphogenesis, but it seems to be his most cited paper.

Sure there are some TV moments with a few too many shots of Macbook Airs, but here's a very long thoughtful documentary mixed with very well acted drama that covers the life of a man and four very complex ideas: Turing machine, Turing test, morphogenesis and the Enigma break.

Given that Turing was working on morphogenesis towards the end of his life, a life that had already covered computation, code breaking, and artificial intelligence, I think the more interesting question is what would Turing have decided to work on given a few more decades.

"Researchers also determined that Monsanto’s roundup is considered an “xenoestrogen,” which is a foreign estrogen that mimics real estrogen in our bodies""The direct effect of glyphosate on early mechanisms of morphogenesis in vertebrate embryos opens concerns about the clinical findings from human offspring in populations exposed to glyphosate in agricultural fields""Because humans that’ve been exposed to glyphosate have a drop in amino acid tryptophan levels, they do not have the necessary active signalling of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with weight gain, depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Morphogenesis definitions


differentiation and growth of the structure of an organism (or a part of an organism)