Morass in a sentence as a noun

It seems like the pieces of the product that are the best bits, are the ones that are not as deeply buried into the morass.

It's always been a morass of competing, incompatible sound servers and APIs.

He also tends to write about obvious technical points so if you do pick through the morass and find the gem you'll be a bit underwhelmed.

One might miss the twisty, dusty country road in leisure time, but curse it when it's raining and the road has turned into an impassable morass.

You end up with a morass of principalities and wanna-be-kings who all have their own different view of what Linux on the desktop should be.

"And lurking at the bottom of this morass one finds flagrantly irrational ideas about the human condition.

When I see a top-down description of a system or language that has infinite libraries described by layers and layers, all I just see is a morass.

It's also attractive to law-abiding citizens, many of whom do not like to be lumped into one big morass with "organized crime" stuck on top as a label.

They have advanced from what was once a morass of non-sequitur racial slurs in vaguely parseable sentences to a predictable pattern of self-amused meme repetition.

Morass definitions


a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

See also: mire quagmire quag slack