Monotheism in a sentence as a noun

"Self help" is a vague term, but they tend to be rooted more in New Age concepts than in Western monotheism.

Monism does not mean "there is only one supreme being"; that's monotheism.

The line between polytheism and monotheism isn't all that clear.

It isnt until the Book of Judges that monotheism starts to become firmly established.

Using monotheism and polytheism as a metaphor here was a poor choice.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but your ignorance of religion and monotheism is astounding.

Does ID make monotheism or polytheism more likely for example?

Some Hindu thought tends towards monotheism in considering the Brahman to be personal but that's certainly not true across the board.

Although christians like to publicize their supposed monotheism, their religion is not very different from old polytheism.

For instance, something about the opposites-in-balance philosophy attached to the "time cube" representation is asserted to be fundamentally incompatible with monotheism.

That last claim is a bit rich: as center of hierarchical monotheism during an expansionist era they sure did a good job of sponsoring the destruction of the Meso-American cultures - the fact they're now accepting donations to share digital copies of some of the stuff they secreted does not really let them pass the buck.

Monotheism definitions


belief in a single God