Monograph in a sentence as a noun

You are comparing a quick blog post to a monograph.

I'd enjoy an expert monograph on this topic.

Darwin's "The Origin of Species" was meant for a wide audience, and was not a technical monograph.

I would say "Compilers" is more similar to a monograph in specialized topics than to a textbook or reference book.

He was noted, for example, for his monograph on tobacco-ash residues.

This quote from wikipedia explains it:These developments of the last quarter of the 19th century and the first quarter of 20th century were systematically exposed in Bartel van der Waerden's Moderne algebra, the two-volume monograph published in 19301931 that forever changed for the mathematical world the meaning of the word algebra from the theory of equations to the theory of algebraic structures.

Monograph definitions


a detailed and documented treatise on a particular subject