Mono in a sentence as a noun

And yes, it's true, I'm moving more to linux and F# on mono lately. But that's because of licensing and scaling issues, not because the .

Yes, but visitors that buy guidebooks do not go to your mono-cultural hometown. They go to New York!

The color saturation was wrong, the sound was like mono and the camera appeared slightly off so the very top or bottom of the screen was cut off. It wasn't completely unwatchable but it spoiled the movie.

Mono in a sentence as an adjective

Org/news/dont-depend-on-mono So, five years later Microsoft makes another step in the right direction, and you think he's wrong because he didn't want to risk building the open source environment around something that could go away with a simple threat. Btw, doesn't Microsoft make more money from Android patents than Microsoft phones?

Already posted it on SO but here goes: Play a stereo audio file and compare the accelerometer response when volume is high on the right channel and on the left channel - iPad2 had mono speakers and iPad Mini has stereo speakers built in

Mono definitions


an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing

See also: mononucleosis


designating sound transmission or recording or reproduction over a single channel

See also: monophonic single-channel