Moloch in a sentence as a noun

Com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/ So, basically we can't choose your former path above because we're stuck in one of these "multipolar traps." I recommend checking out the entire essay.

Com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/] Moral qualms will be crushed by competitive dynamics. I'm pretty afraid of this addiction arms race, especially with the coming rise of VR.

Com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/ While it is about machines mostly, this "inevitability" of a supposedly "external" system you seem to be already describing, and I'm not sure I see a meaningful difference between "work/profit for the sake of work/profit" and this: Everything the human race has worked for – all of our technology, all of our civilization, all the hopes we invested in our future – might be accidentally handed over to some kind of unfathomable blind idiot alien god that discards all of them, and consciousness itself, in order to participate in some weird fundamental-level mass-energy economy that leads to it disassembling Earth and everything on it for its component atoms. To me capitalism is far from being "last man standing".

Proper Noun Examples for Moloch

Com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/ "They broke their back lifting Moloch to heaven!"

Moloch definitions


a tyrannical power to be propitiated by human subservience or sacrifice; "the great Moloch of war"; "duty has become the Moloch of modern life"- Norman Douglas

See also: Moloch


god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children

See also: Moloch Molech


any lizard of the genus Moloch