Modesty in a sentence as a noun

He clearly has no problem with self-promotion, so it's not out of a sense of modesty.

You'd never know about it unless you spent time enough to get past their modesty so they'd talk about it.

I dislike your lack of humility and modesty in this discussion.

It's a good thing in many Western cultures at least, and demonstrates a degree of modesty.

Rather, in those places agricultural work in paddy fields made clothing that allowed a wide range of movement with modesty very helpful.

The engineers are paid well,It seems to me you're sneaking in a little argument about what people 'deserve' here, and appealing to a predatory modesty.

The awkward delivery of "I'm a genius" comes off as sincere modesty, in contrast to the condescenion of Justin Long's "I'm a Mac" character.

That a lot of startups are a vanity project of one of the founders and the founder doesn't have the modesty to actually sell to users/potential employees.

Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.

>"The short clip is taken from an interview in which one finds, if watched integrally, Marcuse himself explaining why he is NOT an important figure in the movement"That's called modesty.

It's not false modesty -- I've been busy with some administrative aspects of the company for the past month and haven't been able to put any time at all into project management.

The mentality of modesty and collaboration greatly detracts from the sort of dystopian and polarized picture this article paints.

A lot of people think that their group is pretty special on the scale of the universe, which seems to be a normal form of a general species-level arrogance that is pretty funny if you really think about it for a while, but other than that, I think modesty is fairly common.

It is a question of studying the system with the same intellectual modesty as an ecologist, and finding a few levers that we can responsibly use - and, yes, gathering enough force in one place that we can protect the levers from people that would rather they be set in different positions.

Modesty definitions


freedom from vanity or conceit

See also: modestness


formality and propriety of manner

See also: reserve