Modality in a sentence as a noun

And that's all modality does, by\nitself - replaces a few modifier keys with a single one.

Touch is a pretty bad modality for content creation, but it's very good for casual use/content consumption.

I could argue for modality then, but not against it, because I lacked experience with non-modal editor.

On the other hand there is the auditory modality which is much more sensitive to latencies.

Even within the same modality the signal is disintegrated in the brain.

It's how technology works-- every input modality is useful for some tasks, and at some level of maturity.

Everything happens so fast, there is no time for modality so every function needs to be directly accessible at the top layer.

Yeah, I personally feel that there's a great deal of "modality" in the sonic motifs we are attuned to. It can be remarkable how palpably different "listening in English" is from "listening in Mandarin".

Every new discovery can change those boundaries somewhat and every now and then someone will bring new ideas together to simply invent a brand new transport modality.

Think "MRI in a shipping crate" "OR in a shipping crate" "Davinci OR in a shipping crate with recovery attached - lower cost nursing staff on-site but the actual surgeon is remote from their home in Boston/SF/Dallas"You build these modality modules like legos.

This tape was from an era where foundational ideas in personal and graphical computing were being hashed out. Concepts like pointers, modality, bitmapping, state representation, humane I/O, task management, and basement-level software plumbing were being worked out. Basically: how do you turn massive industrial installations into a comprehensible and affordable machine that can fit in a home?Those decisions, insights, and the attitudes that evolved early personal computing have flipping zip-all to do with trade dress in the early 21st century.

Proper Noun Examples for Modality

Modality is not any worse than modeless model in itself and Vim implements modality in a way which makes using it as convenient as Emacs chords.

Modality definitions


a classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibility

See also: mode


verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker

See also: mood mode


a particular sense


a method of therapy that involves physical or electrical therapeutic treatment