Mnemotechnic in a sentence as an adjective

Nobody outside of trained mnemotechnic performers can remember those - and keep them up to date for years.

It even gives a good mnemotechnic device for remembering the "wrongness" of using it in most of the cases.

Maybe that's a good mnemotechnic device at first, but it adds an indirection on top of a translation, which I think would be a bad habit to get from the start.

The key for me was to want to memorise something that was so large that, even if using mnemotechnic was hard it was still way easier than to try and root learn it.

But if you are curious enough and keep your mind open, you might discover that Fengshui is, for some part, a string of ancient wisdom pearls disguised behind mnemotechnic tips.

Mnemotechnic definitions


of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory; "mnemonic device"

See also: mnemonic mnemotechnical