Mitigation in a sentence as a noun

I researched this for work, and I couldn't find anyone whom I trusted saying that was a good mitigation.

The good news is your mitigation process also becomes a first class disaster recovery plan as well.

Could one use this to attack Facebook from within its network, bypassing its DDoS mitigation measures?

My company will sponsor $5,000 for the best idea submission for mitigation techniques against these types of systems.

We made the decision to keep DDoS mitigation enabled for apex domains after seeing GitHub Pages attacked and going down a handful of times in the same week.

I work on Facebook's security and thought I'd add a bit more clarity here on the mitigation steps available to developers.

Benjamin notes that "a user will be aware of the attack then next time they try to login," but that's a poor mitigation, since the attacker has already gained access.

Many national\n and international initiatives7 followed aimed at developing a\n better understanding of the accident consequences and in\n assisting in their mitigation.

The issue for 23andMe is the on-label use of the product "in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or is intended to affect the structure or function of the body.

The latency mitigation feature are overrated or even annoying, and it seems many people actually just want mosh for "easily auto-reconnecting mobile shell", something you seriously can solve very well with a very short shell script and no special server-side logic.

Mitigation definitions


to act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious

See also: extenuation palliation


a partial excuse to mitigate censure; an attempt to represent an offense as less serious than it appears by showing mitigating circumstances

See also: extenuation


the action of lessening in severity or intensity; "the object being control or moderation of economic depressions"

See also: moderation