Mistaking in a sentence as a noun

That problem is that you are mistaking sexual assault for "taking the first step.

>Fooling people into mistaking a submarine for a whale doesn't show that submarines really swimWhy not?

I think you're mistaking feature creep with their crazy good backwards compatibility.

Fooling people into mistaking a submarine for a whale doesn't show that submarines really swim; nor does it fail to establish the fact.

I blame the early Windows team by mistaking what Simonyi meant with Hungarian notation by misunderstanding what 'type' means.

You're right that if you walk around a city in SE Asia, you'll inevitably see lots of old, fat, bald men walking around with young pretty local girls, and there's no mistaking what's going on.

It seems it is impossible to parody an extremist belief without somebody mistaking it for the general article.

I hope I'm mistaking, but from my recent reading of HN I feel there is a progressive shift toward more "Gruberness" which is questionable in its hypothesis and conclusions.

This does not imply, though, that only the best entrepreneurs should start companies; this is the common error of mistaking absolute advantage for comparative advantage.

It's likely that this view is not unique, so be careful about mistaking the market as validating a "hackable open hardware $100 gaming console" and not simply a "$100 gaming console.

Mistaking definitions


putting the wrong interpretation on; "his misinterpretation of the question caused his error"; "there was no mistaking her meaning"

See also: misinterpretation misunderstanding