Mistakenly in a sentence as an adverb

The last time someone did this, they mistakenly used "0-5 BTC" as the lowest cutoff. You've made the same mistake.

Com mistakenly got marked as a spam site. I unmarked it, so you can submit your video now.

We mistakenly thought the occasion slow request couldn't create a queue... .

So there's something more happening there, as yet unexplained, than mistakenly misreading the range before going to bed.

So I just feel terrible frankly that I mistakenly turned down interacting with him. Would have we had some conversation that would have changed his opinion on things?

The official story is that the app's developer had mistakenly sent out the 2008 election results as part of a test. But that's a bit flimsy, given that the released totals show the candidates from this week, not from 2008.

It’s no surprise that Alex mistakenly chose a big company over a startup straight out of school even though he was already interested in startups. That was not necessarily a mistake.

Battelle asked about the highly critical memo from a Google engineer that was mistakenly made public. Gundotra's talking point on this: "Larry and Sergey have fostered a culture that allows open debate.

Now, if you're not paying attention it's easy to mistakenly assume that the smart people "know better" and will comment with their opinions on how they'd do XYZ better. A lot of the threads I saw back then had people giving contrarian opinions and getting lots of attention for it.

While I would never have called YC the new grad school myself, I think you have a mistakenly utopian view of the origins of western higher education. The "traditional" idea of a liberal education you're describing is largely a creation of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

On the other hand, predicting earthquakes is so difficult, even if the scientists had mistakenly suggested that there was no reason to suspect an imminent quake, I find it hard to find justification for a 6 year prison sentence, in addition to damages. But beyond that, it seems the scientists offered no such assurances at the meeting in question.

"they discovered that in August 2011 they had mistakenly issued two intermediate CA certificates to organizations that should have instead received regular SSL certificates" This is the worst security violation committed by a CA that I have ever read! These organizations can now issue certificates for any domain, not just google.

Quote Examples using Mistakenly

This way if someone mistakenly destroyed a droplet they could still recreate it. This proved to be a lifesaver for many customers of DigitalOcean when a third party company that provided a provisioning service that integrated with DO, AWS, Rackspace, etc. was compromised and the attacker issued a delete to all customers and all instances. Because this mechanism was in place we were able to recover almost everyone's droplets. We ran into an issue with securely scrubbing data which was publicized on HN and we implemented a fix immediately with a scrub flag. Unfortunately we made a mistaken and made the default setting false. Most customers often click the default, and I myself do the same thing, since I assume that the default is the best course of action and this led to this issue resurfacing. This also was posted to HN and we immediately decided that the default behavior should be to scrub. Prior to this when a customer selected scrub securely because they were taking two actions, issuing a destroy, and setting a flag, it was safe to assume that they indeed want the data completely destroyed. However when we had to reverse the default we were left in a situation where the default would not create a temporary snapshot if we used the secure destroy flag as the indicator for whether or not a temporary snapshot should be created. Since we've implemented the temporary snapshot feature we have had 1154 droplets that have been restored after a destroy from different 752 customers. That's 752 customers that were elated to find out that they could recover a droplet that was mistakenly destroyed so obviously this is a very beneficial feature since each time one of those customers recovered a droplet it was a huge win for them.


Mistakenly definitions


in a mistaken manner; "he mistakenly believed it"

See also: erroneously