Misstep in a sentence as a noun

They live desperately on edge until they make a small misstep that gets them thrown in prison or killed.

You have to execute flawlessly, not a single misstep, just to survive.

They have been very transparent about pretty much every hiccup and misstep they've had in any flight.

Namecheap is really taking advantage of Godaddy's misstep.

Regarding drug policy, the biggest misstep of the past 40 years has been taking a public heath issueIt's never been a public health issue for its major proponents.

Knowing that if you did the slightest misstep or were falsely accused you were fired and there was a morning meeting the next day to tell everyone that so and so was no longer with the company.

The points you describe are valid, but there are a few nits:Regarding your first point, your referenced article makes a misstep of its own, conflating the implementation with the semantics.

Here's the thing about being not nice: you can usually get away with it if you're really exceptional, but if you ever misstep, nobody will want to help you out, and some may gleefully put the screws to you.

This makes sense on the server-side, where you have ready access to the entire table; but is a misstep on the client side, where most of your lists of models will only represent small filtered collections of the server-side table.

One misstep allowing the patenting of "controlling stuff with touch" instead of allowing only the much more restrictive specific methods of detecting that touch could prune an entire branch off our technological development tree for decades to come.

Misstep definitions


an unintentional but embarrassing blunder; "he recited the whole poem without a single trip"; "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later"; "confusion caused his unfortunate misstep"

See also: trip trip-up stumble