Missing in a sentence as an adjective

If you are missing even one, Im probably going to pass you up for someone who doesnt. Wait a minute.

Like missing the point on a great many things. The rules for submitting kernel patches are laid out in great detail.

Just the design really, maybe im missing something.

That plus rain, shady owners trying to blame you for "missing stuff", and people who smoke. Its just a shitty business to be in.

Never missing a chance to remind me why I want a dang tesla. He is right and it's a terrific salespitch.

Poll is missing option: "I never used GoDaddy to begin with because of their bad track record"

- Your MVP will be missing something critical. - At some point, you'll question your decision.

What are they missing?" The problem we face is pretty huge, because it will take a dramatic cultural change in order for us to start catching up.

The VIP Membership Program is the essence of JustFab's business model and yet it's missing entirely from the home page of their site. It looks like any other shoe store.

Replication between master and slave had gaps in the oplogs, causing slaves to be missing records the master had. Yes, there is no checksum, and yes, the replication status had the slaves current Do you have the case number?

Com/9rHhhLV What's missing from that page, is all of the important information about the VIP program. What is present is the price of the item, the quantity and a magenta "Continue Checkout" button.

I think people are missing the point, his suggestion is not meant to be taken literally. What he's trying to say is that reducing the budget deficit is more a question of political will than economics.

People are complaining that stuff like voice calling, and some Talk features are missing, but it's probably due to focus on shipping something that works good first. It's inevitable people will reverse engineer the client, as was done with MSN, Y!

I don't want to figure out why your project doesn't build on my machine because I'm missing some library that you need even though I have it installed but some bash variable isn't set and blah blah blah blah. The problem with Unix is that it doesn't have a concept of a user.

All of the comments here attacking Warren Buffett's authenticity, suggesting that he should put his money where his mouth is and write the Treasury a big fat check, are missing the whole point. Services provided by the government are public goods.

He will be remembered for missing mobile. He will also be remembered for caring a lot about developers and about developers and about developers as well.

You are missing out on a treasure trove of knowledge humanity has collated over centuries, just to hack away and reinvent the wheel by yourself... well, good luck with that.

It sounds from the story that the thing they're most upset about is missing an opportunity to lock down the whole airport while they dressed up as storm troopers and traipsed about in their armored doohickeys pretending to save the world. I think we're voting on all the wrong stuff this November.

Nobody learned their lesson, because it was only a couple of hours later that the media were reporting that suspect #2 was the missing Brown kid. I switched on prime time news in Australia and the news that the Brown student was terrorist suspect number two was the top story!

As for missing features like some complex gradients, I can't say I've missed them, except on occasion when dealing with shiny PR materials. Earlier versions occasionally emitted blank pages, but these could always be skipped thanks to a side effect of the PDF format.

From controversial metrics in our S1 to our material weakness to two quarters of missing our own expectations and a stock price thats hovering around one quarter of our listing price, the events of the last year and a half speak for themselves. As CEO, I am accountable.

Those of you suggesting an alias are either being disingenuous or missing the point entirely. [0] Meaning individuals, of whatever gender/race/class/whatever, that are likely to be reading HN. [1] If you don't believe me, ponder for a moment sentences like, "But I like Negroes just fine!"

[4] Many of you may say that I'm missing the point; that his ability to convince others of what was important and his "vision" is what made him great. My contention is that he appropriated other people's original ideas, and other people implemented his modifications.

It would be humorously appropriate if the top comment on the thread about the official HN t-shirt were the traditional nitpicking/point-missing type that is so commonly the top comment when people launch new technology here.

Missing definitions


not able to be found; "missing in action"; "a missing person"


nonexistent; "the thumb is absent"; "her appetite was lacking"

See also: lacking absent wanting