Misogynism in a sentence as a noun

It's that the phrase "smacks of misogynism" is weaselly--what does it mean?

Frats are like the perfect petri dish for misogynism and racism.

Hopefully, people will learn from this how to not do it and that still in 2014 misogynism is completely present and will get swept under the carpet.

The author, although a woman herself, has a clearly defined agenda that smacks of misogynism.

And one can interpret a lot of behaviors as stemming from sexism or misogynism even if they are not.

I've seen lots of misogynism in less technical industries and much less in some large mature technology organizations.

Or whether you are on the other side of that debate and don't want to be bothered by hate speech, misogynism, and other abhorrent things - a loosely federated network like Mastodon offers places for both groups.

Aren't instances of sexism, misogynism and threatening situations coming from RMS himself and going back decades numerous and well-documented at this point?

It's the misogynism of society and culture as a whole that is responsible for this; whether the perpetrator is misogynistic in excess of the culturally given amount is a question that we cannot answer based on the evidence.

That's not excusing bad behaviour, just observing that this behaviour, and broad knowledge of it, does not appear to deter women, and to serve as a counterpoint to the assertion that the far more subtle and much less broadly portrayed alleged misogynism of tech should be detering women.

If someone wants to have a meaningful discussion about, say, structural injustice in tech, I bet there are places they can do that _without_ having to start with an argument from first principles about whether or not racism and misogynism have any value.>apart from the circulation of egregiously awful comments in the few moments they exist here before people like me flag them off the siteYes, the most egregiously awful comments get flagged.

Misogynism definitions


hatred of women

See also: misogyny