Mismatched in a sentence as an adjective

Shortages and surpluses only exist when prices are mismatched.

Supply and demand are grossly mismatched, and reimbursement has not responded to demand.

The kernel is kept outside of your virtual machine, which means that if you upgrade your kernel, then you'll get mismatched modules and your network interface won't come back.

Basically, I find the current dealership model's incentives to be largely mismatched to the actual needs of consumers.

Kudos to Android Police for picking up queues such as the mismatched times -- I'm surprised, based on this discrepancy, they didn't call hoax rather than suggest is was a mockup or prototype.

> the most complex compile time error you can get of Java tends to be nothing more than "mismatched bracket" or "incorrect function call"… following with the NullPointerException in runtime

It often stems from an impedance mismatched between old methods of solving problems and processing information and the new type and amount of information available.

The mismatched gradients on the new icons are beautiful to them, the wire frame and confusing UI elements are revolutionary, and fragmentation is simply just creating fertile ground for change.

Hes not trying to mock nerds, but rather to point out that their mental model of how the law works is woefully mismatched to how the law actually works, with a great deal of resulting whining and handwringing that could be avoided if they bothered to learn and think a bit about it.

Mismatched definitions


either not matched or unsuitably matched


(of a contest or contestants) not fairly matched as opponents; "vaudeville...waged an uneven battle against the church"

See also: uneven