Misfeasance in a sentence as a noun

What's stopping them from claiming misfeasance or just 'unknown unknowns' in the face of malfeasance?

Is there no concept of misfeasance, malfeasance?Surely missing shot well is "inattention" at best?

That connotes a degree of misfeasance, though - to say one has abrogated a responsibility is to say he has failed to uphold it, where the sense intended here is more one of absolution or relief.

When people complain about their misfeasance, ineptitude, and inability to run just about anything, DC is a prime example of how they are incapable to run a city, even by delegation.

That doesn't mean we should consider them when we speak of "the thing that programmers do." It would be like including people who write their own legal contracts when speaking about "the thing that lawyers do."So yes, if we're going to keep using the word "programmers" to refer to both the Engineer journeymen and the white-belts who produce misfeasance with their every step, then we should stop putting "programmers" on a pedestal.

If you don't have internal policy documents on how your network is monitored and a kind of minimum standards dashboard, make one and keep records, as it can be invaluable as defense against accusations nonfeasance, misfeasance or even malfeasance.

You may care to examine a recent report [2] on the matter, produced by our Department of Veterans' Affairs - an organization whose misfeasance is legendary among veterans themselves and among other Americans knowledgeable on the matter, so if anything, even the vastly disproportionate rates there described are still likely to be low.

Misfeasance definitions


doing a proper act in a wrongful or injurious manner