Misdemeanour in a sentence as a noun

May as well make the sentence for every crime or misdemeanour a whole life tariff.

But if you extended the list to include misdemeanour or somesuch I guess I could see that.

>Speeding is either a misdemeanour or crime, that means it is simply prohibited.

Simply convict anybody we don't want owning a firearm of a made up misdemeanour or hate crime.

A misdemeanour may net you a maximum 3 years imprisonment?

To find out about you, transforming any small misdemeanour in a lifetime sentence.

Wouldn't knowingly sending false reports be a misdemeanour, or even felony?

So polygamy is illegal, and adultery is a misdemeanour, but "open marriages" are fine?

I doubt many HN users are much above 'simple possession', which is a misdemeanour in most states, including California.

That they are both just types of "property" and therefore the invasion of either is an identical ethical misdemeanour?

One is a misdemeanour, the other is quite literally contributing to global destabilization.

"You can also see why there were initially two allegations of rape....Per Wikipedia, it would appear offenses 2 and 3 are "sexuellt ofredande", "which has been variously translated as "sexual molestation", "sexual assault", "sexual misconduct", "sexual annoyance", "sexual unfreedom", "sexual misdemeanour", and "sexual harassment".

Misdemeanour definitions


a crime less serious than a felony

See also: misdemeanor infraction violation infringement