Miscellany in a sentence as a noun

This link will go in my miscellany section this week.

And the user might want to clear the miscellany browser cache without clearing the app cache, so we had better give this Application Cache a distinct name.

Really, I think it's just interesting miscellany that acts as a /very/ partial history of many of the growing pains wikipedia's had.

I think you get a certain pass on HN if you write long pieces about typography and other web miscellany, particularly if you're above average as a writer

What they mean is "I wasn't creative enough to come up with a better icon so I'm just going to dump the kitchen sink of miscellany behind this vague and non-specific icon and let context do the rest".

The noun, too, is varied: article, character sketch, causerie, feuilleton, fantasy, anecdote, paper, satire, miscellany, ephemera, impressions, and reverie are another dozen terms applied to the multiformity of the essay.

Does it encourage me to work close to four hours per day, which is not the point of it?Another method I've thought of, which I read on some company's blog, is to assign people to ongoing projects who bill daily, and to also have a sweeper who bills hourly on questions, emergencies and miscellany.

Miscellany definitions


a collection containing a variety of sorts of things; "a great assortment of cars was on display"; "he had a variety of disorders"; "a veritable smorgasbord of religions"


an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc.

See also: florilegium garland