Misbegotten in a sentence as an adjective

I've had to get pretty good at VBA of all things, and 1000 curses on that misbegotten tongue.

I predict these barges will end up being scrapped as a misbegotten folly.

"Our private server facilities" sounds like they were trying to run their own facility for some misbegotten reason.

Jewish people got Israel as a misbegotten reparation.

Another PHP article, where we get to watch all of the defenders of Rasmussen's misbegotten spawn come out from under their rocks... "PHP works great for me!

The rest is merely a painful, expensive, misbegotten parade of path dependency.

Who decides if the story is misbegotten, inaccurate, offensive, etc.?The author?

That's the term I've always associated with the style of music commonly embedded in the cracking programs I used in my misbegotten youth.

In my misbegotten youth I spent a lot of time in a chem lab squirting weird stuff into sample tubes and hovering over an ancient spectrophotometer.

> > I’d have to be willing to admit defeat and pull the plug should it become clear that the book I was writing was misbegotten, even if that realization came after years of hard work.

> I’d have to be willing to admit defeat and pull the plug should it become clear that the book I was writing was misbegotten, even if that realization came after years of hard work.

If the defence is lacking, including simply financially to engage its own "expert witnesses"... misbegotten interpretations can and do rule the day.

Who decides if the story is misbegotten, inaccurate, offensive, etc.?I think it’s not actually in the passive voice, except possibly that “become clear”.

However, before we can even get there we need to be freed from the misbegotten idea that morality is in any way universal, or derived from natural law, or that natural law even exists.

You can think about it like designing the SATs for different jobsis for all practical purposes illegal in the USA due to Griggs v. Duke Power Company[0] and the misbegotten offspring of legal reasoning uncontaminated by any knowledge of statistics that is the 80% rule[1].But who knows they might survive and thrive and hiring is a ridiculously huge market.

But he missed the idea that if he does want to write a book where the context is tricky, he should ask for help from people who know more about the context, who might help him realize whether or not the book is "misbegotten" and if he is "not up to this particular task.

It seems as if you may be reading it as if the author is acting out of fear of others’ judgement, but notice that Russo doesn’t say “I’d have to stop if it was offensive”—a fear of others’ reactions—but rather “I’d have to [stop] if it … was misbegotten”, which I take in the sense of ‘ill conceived’.

It is much too important to be reduced to a bunch of trivial don't-do-this prescriptions by a pair of idiosyncratic bumblers who can't even tell when they've broken their own misbegotten rules.’Might be a decent guide for the utter beginner, but if you're trying to learn to write with style, rather than simply to write comprehensibly, it's more important to know all of the many, many times you can and probably should break the rules in The Elements of Style.

Misbegotten definitions


born out of wedlock; "the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring"- E.A.Freeman

See also: bastardly misbegot spurious