Millimeter in a sentence as a noun

They just rammed through millimeter-wave machines here, too.

Who measures their balcony height down to the millimeter?

And he says, Per the review, its a dog. Bryant and the pilot replayed the shot, recorded on eight-millimeter tape.

> The "Edge of Space" jump: A corresponding fall to a schoolroom globe begins 1 millimeter above its surface.

But the intriguing part of the story is that they banned x-ray scanners, not that they approved millimeter-wave scanners.

Any time you opt out of the millimeter wave scanner, you get a hand pat-down and your baggage is swabbed for explosives.

How is a millimeter wave scanner different than a high-tech metal detector?

200 years ago it was more like the millimeter to the kilometer, from the millisecond to the century.

I opt-out of backscatter and millimeter-wave screening every time.

A noninvasive measurement of radio density known as CAT scan showed the boy's skull was lined with a thin layer of brain cells to a millimeter in thickness.

Two funny insights from Neil deGrasse Tysons twitter:The "Edge of Space" jump: A corresponding fall to a schoolroom globe begins 1 millimeter above its surface.

They are emitted by microwave ovens, cell phones, wifi hotspots, and millimeter-wave detectors.

In this case... they're using a ~$50k vicon motion capture system that returns millimeter-precision pose estimates at ~1kHz.

The TSA plans to deploy 1,275 backscatter and millimeter-wave scanners covering more than half its security lanes by the end of 2012 and 1,800 covering nearly all lanes by 2014.

It may be difficult to model precisely what will happen because of the little fiddly sub-millimeter differences in window positions mattering.

That's why we need to change the way we pay for college education, so that we can have a society of well-educated independent thinkers, rather than one where people start out in life just a millimeter away from indentured servitude.

It's made weirder by how big some of them get, "Jellyfish range from about one millimeter in bell height and diameter to nearly two meters in bell height and diameter; the tentacles and mouth parts usually extend beyond this bell dimension.

Millimeter definitions


a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter

See also: millimetre