Mill in a sentence as a noun

The title made me nervous that this would be run-of-the-mill fanboy garbage.

It's like Oracle getting into video games, or Cisco deciding to crank up a steel mill.

As shady as it sounds, paper mills are not illegal, copyright infringement is.

I couldn't find a CNC lathe large enough to make these parts so I came up with the simple hack of bolting a cheap wood lathe onto the bed of the milling machine.

Unless the merchant disables "Account Optional", it's just a run-of-the-mill credit card payment form with an option to log in to the side.

Unlike web development, performance is still a huge bottleneck in this field; people still mill about for 3 weeks waiting for their job to finish just like it was the 1970s.

Mill in a sentence as a verb

The rumor mill may be in high gear for months, sure, but when Apple makes their official announcement, it is nearly always in the form of "Here is our new Superlative Magical Thing.

"A little engineer in his shed with a mill down the bottom of the garden could make a proper metal barrel capable of firing a high-velocity bullet.

The internet cats on Hacker News are of a classier variety than those you find at more run-of-the-mill pages, requesting cheese hamburgers and speaking unskillfully.

Then, I programmed the mill to trace out the contour of the leg while the lathe spun the wood underneath the mill head....> The legs of the instrument turned out to be a few inches too long for my wood lathe so I pulled the lathe out of the milling machine and cut it into two pieces on a band saw. I then bolted both pieces back into the mill, separated by a few inches.

I'd leave school and go to the mall instead of taking the bus home, mill around in the arcade for a bit, eat some cheap Chinese food in the food court, bum around in Radio Shack or the electronics section at JC Penny or just hang around with friends mallrats style.

This all seemed like a pretty run of the mill story about an insider violating company trust, and then getting caught - until the final sentence: "Among other things, a desktop monitoring system that took screenshots of employee workstations in one-minute increments helped Hostgator officials quickly zero in on Gisse.

Mill definitions


a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing

See also: factory manufactory


Scottish philosopher who expounded Bentham's utilitarianism; father of John Stuart Mill (1773-1836)

See also: Mill


English philosopher and economist remembered for his interpretations of empiricism and utilitarianism (1806-1873)

See also: Mill


machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing

See also: grinder


the act of grinding to a powder or dust

See also: grind pulverization pulverisation


move about in a confused manner


grind with a mill; "mill grain"


produce a ridge around the edge of; "mill a coin"


roll out (metal) with a rolling machine