Midget in a sentence as a noun

I swear you could tweet that Einstein was a purple midget and as a result 5 people would go their graves believing it.

That is, maybe they don't care about you're midget porn habit, but do care if you visit a competitors web site.

The problem with these kit cars are the wheelbase dimensions are all wrong, so they look like little scrunched-up midget versions of the real thing.

I don't need my neck feeling like its being choked by a tiny midget to produce my best code and I tend to enjoy working places that recognize that.

Midget in a sentence as an adjective

Personally, I like looking at attractive leather clad asian gay midgets.

I'm basically just a "hobbyist of everything," like a "midget polymath" who, by the way, happened to drop out of a terrible college.

That does not mean it's proper to collect a few to staff a programming event, because so many of us enjoy looking at attractive leather clad asian gay midgets.

Being a movie superhero I'd jump in the car and race down there, leaping into the fray and killing all the terrorists, including the midget pretending to be the cute little girl.

Midget definitions


a person who is markedly small

See also: dwarf nanus


very small; "diminutive in stature"; "a lilliputian chest of drawers"; "her petite figure"; "tiny feet"; "the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy"

See also: bantam diminutive lilliputian petite tiny flyspeck