Microcopy in a sentence as a verb

That works fine for links and buttons, but what about microcopy?

I mean, a post promoting precise "microcopy" should at least get the basics right, I think.

I've never really given microcopy thought... I probably need to look into that.

"[Login with Facebook] or [Get an email]microcopy: "We never post to Facebook.

I started three of them last night, testing microcopy in my shopping cart such as "You do not need an account to pay with a credit card through Paypal.

Same principle applies to copy, especially to microcopy.

Here's our most persuasive microcopy possible on why that wouldn't be a good idea, two sentences each, with links to longer explanations.

]"You would additionally benefit from microcopy on this page to the general effect of "Your data is totally secure -- we use bank grade encryption [and blah blah blah].

In the example where he shows that the PayPal logo requires a bit of microcopy to explain you don't need a PayPal account to purchase, might it be cleaner to just feature the PayPal logo alongside the other credit card icons?

The hierarchy of slides goes something like: Relevant images which support the speaker Relevant graphs, rendered for projection Relevant microcopy which gives context or focus Relevant videos which are kept as short as possible Bullet slides which double as effective microcopy Bullet slides which double as speaker's notes Most slides which animate in point-by-point Irrelevant or unnecessarily long videos Unreadable diagrams Unreadable walls of text The zeroth rule of presentations is don't waste your audience's time.

Microcopy definitions


photocopy printed or other graphic matter so that it is reduced in size