Microchip in a sentence as a noun

Surely the circuit would be simpler like this rather than having the LED hooked up to the microchip and software controlling it.

For instance, if you're shopping your firmware work out, and your microchip goes obsolete, you'll need to have a plan for responding quickly.

Do you think any senior directors there are thinking - let's create a microchip, even if it's way behind Intel or AMD?

When Dr. Thompson played the 1kHz tone, the microchip unfailingly reacted by decreasing its power output to zero volts.

I wouldn't have guessed that the light would be projected at a microchip which would then reflect back only the pixels to be lit using incredibly small mirrors.

Yes, in Europe Chip-and-PIN cards are the norm - the card has an embedded microchip which the reader communicates with electronically.

And that's not even counting the Dong Fengs, etc. I have a romantic nostalgia for carriers as much as anyone but I can't see how they are anything other than gigantic sitting ducks in the microchip era.

An implanted microchip on the surface of the brain records neuronal activity, decodes the signals, and activates motor neurons that control the prosthesis.

Microchip definitions


electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit

See also: chip