Metallic in a sentence as a noun

"It means that in pre-hispanic times they appeared as if they were metallic spheres.

"This material is formed by the oxidation of pyrite, which is a metallic ore," Gmez Chvez said.

BTW: all non-metallic objects have embedded pieces of metal that will show up on X-ray, so errors can at least be detected.

Fun fact: electrons in an metallic wire under a potential difference move only in the order of mm/s.

In the model wave functions of Ciuchi et al. there are no metallic hydrides, there are no cathodes and there are no chemical batteries.

There are lots of commercially available metallic coatings for your plastic sculpture that will promise you of no breakage etc.

Is it possible that the TSA actually observed the metallic object at your side, but decided that it wasn't threatening based on its shape?

Metallic in a sentence as an adjective

Synthol was made from alcohol, benzene and a metallic additive either tetraethyl lead or iron carbonyl.

Gift cards/visa cards etc aren't easily mistaken for official US currency, and they're not metallic coins, nor is the physical object exchanged as money would be. So, they're not related to the liberty dollar case.

This, for example, wasn't because they couldn't anechoic chambers, but simply because bullock carts have few metallic parts to interfere with the actual measurements.

Second, the rest of the design was created specifically for the optimal application of the epoxy spray that prevents your drink from developing a metallic taste.

All your furniture is knocked over and kicked against the wall, and your non-metallic possessions are randomly strewn about on the floor, not that you care, because you only care about things you can see, things made out of metal.

From your link:"Colloidal silver preparations primarily deliver inactive metallic silver, rather than the active microbicidal silver ion."From TFA:"Collins and his team found that silver in the form of dissolved ions attacks bacterial cells"

Other than the bezel color, bezel shape, metallic logo, logo positioning, aspect ratio, foot design, choice of materials, choice of finishing, keyboard design, key coloring, key layout, keyboard LED, keyboard footing, trackpad design, trackpad footing, keyboard battery chamber, and trackpad battery chamber, this is a totally unique design.

Metallic definitions


a fabric made of a yarn that is partly or entirely of metal


a yarn made partly or entirely of metal


containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "a metallic compound"; "metallic luster"; "the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"- Ambrose Bierce