Mesquit in a sentence as a noun

You gotta chop the mesquite before you can smoke the ribs.

But the general message, "chop the mesquite before you can smoke the ribs", I agree very much on.

I wonder if they really used mesquite as their wood or if that was some artistic license on the author's part.

There are no trees nor large cactus... it's arid grassland with cholla and prickly pear cactus and low scrubby mesquite.

I would think that mesquite-scrub country would be great elephant habitat.

Also, I would be interested to see how he fares against someone like bruce bueno de mesquita

Mesquit definitions


any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Prosopis having small flowers in axillary cylindrical spikes followed by large pods rich in sugar

See also: mesquite