Merrily in a sentence as an adverb

I just saw a group of three graduate students going merrily to gym at 4 PM.

Facebook expected people to just tap merrily through, and well, people did.

You act as if we all merrily signed up for this system, when in fact it was forced upon us since birth.

I could go on too, merrily burning karma as I go, but all I see when I look at this is how far it has to go, not how great it is.

I merrily went about installing them at every school locally.

It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily.

I'm not convinced that demonstrates the persuasive power of the bot so much as that some people will merrily click yes in response to any prompt.

I will merrily skip any submission with a sensationalistic headline, together with those that read like "Why you need to stop doing X, and do Y instead".

By separating the 2 units, netflix is making sure the dvd unit can chug along merrily with their relatively fixed profits that the studios can't bargain for.

In fact, good ORM's will even provide tools to allow you to construct custom queries in the same scope as an ORM query, allowing you to have your cake and eat it too. Why would you throw out the baby with the bathwater when you can just rewrite your most egregious 10% of queries in SQL, while allowing the rest of your app to merrily chirp on?

Moreover it's merrily intermixing entrepreneurs problems with banking problems.

This one was pretty easy - Obama bombarded the airwaves with TV ads portraying Romney as a corporate asset-stripper who cackled merrily all the way to the bank as he shipped blue collar jobs to Mexico and China.

The Windows logo was merely an extrapolation of MS's attitude that "Now that we have such powerful computers, we can merrily waste all that power with this increasingly bloated but supposedly impressive OS.

And how many people out there are merrily munching down a couple of homeopathic sugar-pills when their piles flare up and making amazing new antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains?Homeopathy is actively harmful.

I didn't really care about it, figuring that their studying habits were much more diligent than mine, until one time I arrived in the classroom 45 minutes early and found out a sizable proportion of them were merrily exchanging answers and copying off of each other.

Merrily definitions


in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily"

See also: happily mirthfully gayly blithely jubilantly