Mentation in a sentence as a noun

So why did you mentation "Ext2/3/4 and XFS" if filesystem doesn't matter?

I beg to differ, that is pretty much my philosophy of law and indeed of mentation.

My sense is that he was making a statement about his own mentation but couching it as a statement about humanity.

> we're not really cut out for long-term thinking and abstract mentation for its own sake appeals to only a tiny minority.

He had even tried to talk into his wrist pad when such an accelerated burst of thinking began, when he felt that sense of several strands braiding together to make something new. But the act of talking stopped the mentation.

"I would also note that valproic acid is a serious drug with serious side effect, including sedation, weight gain, and foggy mentation.

One, most people don't enjoy thinking for its own sake all that much, but when you're in a survival situation you can dispense with all that tedious mentation and really live in the moment.

It was written: "To destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.

Instead, it is a transpersonal field of mentation that presents itself to us as physicality—with its concreteness, solidity and definiteness—once our personal mental processes interact with it through observation.

Its tubes began to glow, its coils warmed up, current coursed through all its circuits like a waterfall, transformers hummed and throbbed, there was a clanging, and a chugging, and such an ungodly racket that Trurl began to think of adding a special mentation muffler.

The amateur software engineer either ignores documentation altogether or follows a process that is docu-mentation-driven, worrying more about how these paper products look to the customer than about the substance they contain.

Why I think it will be different is because dolphins are basically stuck in the water with only some fins; while they have a rich sensorium and apparently complex social structures, there's a limit to how much they can manipulate their own environment, which in turn imposes some upper limits on mentation.

Mentation definitions


the process of using your mind to consider something carefully; "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought"

See also: thinking thought cerebration intellection