Menagerie in a sentence as a noun

Instead, the web looks like a menagerie of cereal box art.

FreeBSD is an entire OS, not a menagerie of tools wrapped around a common kernel.

Show restraint and save them for cases like the socket module where we really did need a way to manage the menagerie of constants.

You can generate a whole menagerie of horror stories, but for the most part the upshot is "Autonomy within limits.

I always think it's useful to think of species, like humans, less as an individual organism, and more of a menagerie.

The human menagerie stretches from gut bacteria all the way to elephants, with **** sapiens lodges somewhere in the middle of the bunch.

I'm more reluctant to trash Kurzweil, but this image hiring policy is taking on the look of some sort of bizarre Victorian menagerie where they keep old famous computer scientists in wrought iron cages for Googlers' amusement.

I'm guessing that the main reason why conservatives like Charles Murray support basic income is because it focuses the menagerie of handouts into one policy, which will allow for easier metrics into how increases are harmful.

Article includes this gem:'The menagerie of dark matter candidates that might produce this kind of line include axions, sterile neutrinos, and "moduli dark matter" that may result from the curling up of extra dimensions in string theory.

Is the form of a menagerie of sites of greater value to the Stack Exchange network, or to users of the sites?A Venn diagram including stackoverflow, programmers, ux, dba, cs, cstheory, security, codereview, and a few others, has substantial areas of intersection.

> First of all, it's not necessary to use a word such as "menagerie" in any article, apparently it's being used incorrectly anyways, it means "a collection of animals".A commonly used secondary definition of menagerie is "a strange or diverse collection of people or things.

Most concentrations of humans are part of a larger menagerie of symbiotic utility and pest animals that rely on human existence and activity and despite the constant presence, it's rare that those animals ever enter even the most carnivorous human diet outside of very specific cases.

Menagerie definitions


a collection of live animals for study or display


the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition