Memory in a sentence as a noun

I did start this post -- if you'll reach back into distant memory -- by describing Google as "doing everything right".

So I hex edited the error in the memory manager itself to read "Thank you for playing Wing Commander.

On some, it can take full control of the main computer, through shared memory, and can thus override or replace whatever free software you have installed.

No longer will 'confessions' rely on the memory of the officer; no longer will complaints become a "criminal's word against the officer".

Compare this to reading random files entrenched in a filesystem and scattered on a disk, plus doing some more processing.> First usually freed around 200MB of memoryOut of 4GB. Wow, what an incredible improvement!

There is no step twoPaging is key, as it means the data is in a format efficiently readable and that can be put back in memory at a very reduced cost.

General purpose computers achieve good economics by limiting memory and I/O bandwidth to stuff that will fit in a single piece of silicon.

But in languages without bounds checks, that logic can fall away as the computer starts reading or executing raw memory, which is no longer connected to specific variables or lines of code in your program.

Some people tried to argue back then that various protections offered by modern OSs and runtimes, such as address space randomization, and the availability of tools like Valgrind for finding memory access bugs, mitigates this.

Moore's Law has allowed a certain level of indifference to mathematics in the past few decades since you could always throw a newer processor and more memory at a problem, rather than solving it via a better algorithm.

It was originally designed in contrast to gmail scanning your email for targeted advertising, but my imperfect memory says that their system should also have been resilient to "we have a warrant, hand over the data.

That is the purpose of writing a 10-page critical analysis of a theme in a Shakespeare play, or building a toy memory allocator: not because knowing Shakespeare or being able to write malloc is important, but because it teaches students to think and analyze.

Quote Examples using Memory

Optimizing priority queues... Recalculating scheduler lookup tables... Terminating unused system processes... Recovering memory leaks... Flushing network buffers... Then it'd randomly pick a number X and report to the user "System reports X% faster.


Memory definitions


something that is remembered; "search as he would, the memory was lost"


the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"

See also: remembering


the power of retaining and recalling past experience; "he had a good memory when he was younger"

See also: retention retentiveness retentivity


an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"

See also: storage store


the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes; "he taught a graduate course on learning and memory"