Medico in a sentence as a noun

What the **** has the WHO been doing all these many years, and why isn't this research already common knowledge among medicos?

We are in the middle of a vast medico-economic experiment.

I pay no malpractice insurance, but pay $400 annually to a non-profit society for medico-legal cover.

It had already earned Rex sufficient rehousing credits to get him overground and he actually possessed a surplus of food and medico rations.

"I like forums and blogs here, it's really an informative to non-medico, and you can get lots of information in forum in different categories.

As you can also imagine there is a medico-legal aspect of removing a previous flag, so often it's easier to just leave it and make the provider do an extra unneeded click.

The reason why foreign residency programs aren't considered valid in the US is quality control, from both competency and medico-legal standpoints.

Before that you could have the program prompt the doctor for questions that it thinks would be helpful, etc... Again, huge medico-legal barriers to this but there is a roadmap to becoming a billionaire in my opinion.

"Cost-effectiveness studies will now be part of the market access requirements for all ***** in order to satisfy the selection criteria for medico-economic assessment."...

This decree also specifies the medico-economic assessment procedure.

Instead, "the right" will cut regulation where it **** the medico-industrial complex, while quietly ensuring their asses are covered and their regulatory capture will reamin quasi-permanent, and the left will regulate to "fix that via a safety net for those on the bottom".

Had pandemic protocols been in place, lying would have been unnecessary, as in the event of a shortage, medicos would have automatically been assured first preference!With many of the medical profession and the WHO not immediately coming out to give full support to the wearing of masks at the beginning of the pandemic, they gave the rabidly stupid libertarians a glorious opportunity to say their rights and freedoms had been violated.

Medico definitions


a student in medical school


a licensed medical practitioner; "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor"

See also: doctor physician