Measurement in a sentence as a noun

The best I can think of is a throwback to Bill Gates' emphasis on measurement.

How are grocery measurements treated in Britain these days?

So despite being a stationary state, your measurements depend on when in the cycle you take them!

Even if they did, it seems odd that the one study which has maintained the same method of measurement is the one that shows no changes.

If someone desires to use customary measurements out of sheer habit from long-established custom, no one is stopping that either.

This is about the less famous Heisenberg limit, which describes the measurement of a single parameter in a system of multiple particles.

If you're asked to do something that won't give a reliable measurement of your ability, say so and offer the interviewer a better option.

So, you can also measure the spatially-resolved magnetic field of the Sun, and this is called a "magnetogram".It is kind of surprising that this measurement can be made at all.

That's true only in a very limited parochial sense; it's the most popular system of measurement on planet earth even if it's isn't used for day-to-day things in the USA.

With an Uber driver, you have negotiated a price based on "mileage as the iPhone GPS records it".Which gets back to "which measurement devices used in trade are regulated in Massachusetts"?

These effects had already been measured by other experiments and were found to agree with general relativity to much more accuracy than the GP-B measurements.

The customary measurement system is, by contrast, simply customary, not mandatory.

While I wouldn't entirely discount the notion that we're living in a simulation, I suspect that this measurement is probably quite problematic, for various reasons other people have addressed.

If they were instead describing an experiment to look for anomalous travel times of neutrino pulses or something, I'd know where to start: measurement apparatus precision, clock synchronization, etc.

So despite the fact that the wavefunction has a time dependence, your measurement probability distribution functions do not!Now the other thing you need to know is that so far these stationary states all correspond to ground states.

In the same way, I wouldn't expect a technical article reporting measurements of carbon flow in the environment to be published in a political science journal, even though climate change might have profound implications for global politics.

> "the measurement, in millimetres, of the thickness of a transverse section of the fruit between the lateral faces and the middle, perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis"Oh, look, a good definition in a legal document.

He notes that he saw "a 1db increase in downstream levels occurred along with a full 1db increase in S/N" but 1dB is well within the margin of error and day-to-day variations, especially for the imprecise internal power measurement circuits of the modem.

The patent is using the correct term, and it even does a very good job of explaining what it means:> A particular characteristic of display components that may affect presentations rendered thereupon is the pixel density of the display component, such as a pixels-per-centimeter measurement.

Measurement definitions


the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule; "the measurements were carefully done"; "his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate"

See also: measuring measure mensuration