Measured in a sentence as an adjective

Arm's A15 allegedly has a TDP of ~4W, but if you actually benchmark the parts, you'll find that the TDPs aren't measured the same way.

My bandwidth consumption is measured in Mbps rather than amount of data transferred because I get billed using 95th percentile billing.

When politicians say "small government" they really mean "low taxes", and when they say "liberty" that is measured as 100% minus the top marginal tax rate.

Especially if it talks about actual measured metrics of productivity - rather that self-reported 'I felt just as productive at home' ones.

" Personally, I think passion could be a valuable heuristic in hiring, but the author seemed to imply that passion is only measured by your willingness to work outside of your day job.

The fact that, in 2011, the speed with which the news of Steve Jobs's death circled the globe and reached millions could be measured in seconds is a profound testimony to the connective power of the new world that he helped to create.

Advancement at this firm was measured by "how many reports" you had, as in "direct reports", or people managed by you, and if you just did superior individual work but had no one "under you", you weren't advancing.

Basically what this bought was that it essentially removed all the manual gluing and carefully measured layout such that, once a page was setup, you printed it off, took it to the dark room, made your negative and then the plate and the printing was off.

In this context, under applicable law, Oracle may elect to get statutory damages of $150K for each of the infringements or it may elect to go after what are known as "infringer's profits" - meaning that it would ask the jury to award it damages measured by profits made by Google on account of the infringing acts.

Measured definitions


having notes of fixed rhythmic value

See also: mensural mensurable


the rhythmic arrangement of syllables

See also: metrical metric


carefully thought out in advance; "a calculated insult"; "with measured irony"

See also: deliberate calculated


unhurried and with care and dignity; "walking at the same measured pace"; "with all deliberate speed"

See also: careful deliberate