Measles in a sentence as a noun

We can put it through the paces.\nThe question you are getting at is, "Did measles evolve to keep cancer at bay?

You have to demonstrate a link between measles vaccines and autism.

A family from my region went on a trip to Wales and both kids contracted measles and were sick when they returned.

As I read it, in this case it's a specially modified version of measles that's used, not "vanilla" measles.

If you are going to make arguments against vaccines like measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus you _really_ must do more homework.

Interestingly, the washington post write up also suggests that if the user had resistance to measles, another virus would have to be used.

In a few years there will be an outbreak of something preventableThere's an outbreak of preventable childhood measles in England at this very moment

The disadvantages are when people say "measles is a normal disease of childhood, and vaccination against measles weakens the immune system and causes autism".

Almost all of the children in the Welsh outbreak who caught measles were either completely unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated.

"Assuming everyone was vaccinated then:2000 people exposed, with 99% effectiveness of vaccine, yields about 20 people who will contract measles despite being vaccinated.

If they weren't knowingly poisoning us, why exactly would corporations be so very afraid of properly labeling foodsFor the same reason that measles infections are on the rise?

> And while every mother could once identify measles in a heartbeat, now even the best hospitals have to call in their eldest staff members to ask: Is this what we think it is?The Wakefield con has started to deliver.

Other promising avenues include personalized cancer vaccines which essentially recruit your immune system to attack the tumor[1], or other viral vectors such as the recent Mayo success[2] using the measles vaccine to counter cancer.

We as humanity will continue along our historic trajectory: the technologically-backed shift away from nations and nationalism - Einstein's "infantile disease, the measles of mankind" - towards a human society.

Measles definitions


an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash; occurs primarily in children

See also: rubeola morbilli