Meantime in a sentence as a noun

I'll be back in touch with more specifics, or not, in the meantime just act natural."

Making driving safer in the meantime isn't fluff. > there is no room for caring about the feelings of greedy old white men.

In the meantime, I seriously doubt many other teams would be so principled as that. Kudos for them.

In the meantime, that middle manager will use this opportunity to ask for more reqs and expand his little fiefdom. Time will pass, and nothing will get done.

In the meantime, there's a group of folks who first jumped into Twitter during the days where you weren't chained to their mediocre user products. They'll start the move to a better network.

I think AirBnb is net-good, but it certainly is going to make a few people's lives miserable in the meantime. Hopefully AirBnb finds a way to mitigate these issues.

In the meantime, my co-founder and I get fired from our jobs. You see, our boss found out about our trip to the accelerator since it was broadcast over social media.

In the meantime, we can praise those who fight the good fight, and PJ has been a supreme example of this. Tireless, talented, and astute, she has been a wonderful force for good over the past decade.

In the meantime articles like these and those who write them continue to facilitate the decline of public freedoms and personal liberties. Flying Fish should feel ashamed.

Meantime in a sentence as an adverb

Bringing it down as fast as humanly possible and loudly so no-one else gets damaged in the meantime is entirely justified in a case like this.

And many mortgages won't default at all; even the ones who will eventually will be making payments in the meantime. So right off the bat, legal analysts are confident it's unconstitutional.

In the meantime, I'm left to wonder "Iain Dooley who?" and be glad that I'm confident enough not to read an opinion-as-fact article and assign it significant credibility.

In the meantime, a good friend of mine who started a little project on the side slowly grew it over a period of a couple years into something that supports his family very well and has a good shot at doing millions in revenue within the next 5-10 years. And I don't think he's been very stressed while doing it.

In the meantime, quite apart from the big firms, technology has changed law firm billing practices generally. Owing to the widespread availability of information today, clients are much more savvy about how legal billing works and are not hesitant to ask for arrangements that make sense for the client even while being fair to the lawyers providing the services.

When a consumer challenges are credit card charge, the consumer is entitled by law and contract to have their case heard, and in the meantime the middlemen must make sure they won't be left holding the empty moneybag. It is entirely reasonable for the Square to make sure funds are available to pay the consumer debt should the consumer prevail - Square will be out that money regardless of whether Jason pays up.

And in the meantime, they've been using an incredible pile of hack and tricks to try and approach levels of visual quality and complexity trivial on a raytracer, except said pile of hack could actually be computed before the heat death of the universe.

If you're two months into the job and you're still having "introductory meetings" with all the departments and putting together "the vision," then by the time you actually start to make any changes, it'll be that much harder because of how much your products have declined and your talent has hemorrhaged in the meantime.

In the meantime, and largely because SQLite let me query into the data in more and more useful ways that I hadn't foreseen, I had extended the original prototype significantly and it was outperforming their larger scale solution on a 3 year old, very unimpressive, desktop with the same install of perl and sqlite. On top of the raw calculations, it was also performing some automated results analysis and spitting out ready to present artifacts that could be stuck in your presentation tool of choice.

Meantime definitions


the time between one event, process, or period and another; "meanwhile the socialists are running the government"

See also: interim meanwhile


during the intervening time; "meanwhile I will not think about the problem"; "meantime he was attentive to his other interests"; "in the meantime the police were notified"

See also: meanwhile