Mawkish in a sentence as an adjective

Not being a "mawkish fanboy with a lot of money to spend on men's jewelry.

People will wax mawkish and claim that Apple has "given" them happiness and wonderment.

"And this mawkish line is published under the banner of Stanford, an arbiter of the truth.

I often wonder how this sort of mawkish spam continues to have a foothold in the internet.

So the hordes of mawkish Steve idolisers can downvote the blasphemer?

Apparently all you have to do for an exclusive is be a mawkish fanboy with a lot of money to spend on men's jewelry.

It's absolutely beautiful, if perhaps a bit mawkish.

The French have been bombing the Syrians for over a month - where were the mawkish "We are all Syrians" corporate media campaigns at that time?

I have a block of text then which looks like: "saccharine/mawkish/sappy; halcyon/good old days; vituperative/acerbic/caustic/bitter".

It's partly non-profit, has no shareholders, funded in a unique way, and, without wishing to seem mawkish, something special.

By becoming overly sentimental, bordering on mawkish, it loses the impact that a frank, thoughtful reflection on the actual event could have had.

It's one thing to wildly misrepresent the technology as having a giant hole, it's quite another to react to basic evidence of the fact with mawkish drama about "page 135.

Perhaps these vague feels exist because mainstream media tries to make Dickensian stories out of African-American struggles; mawkish sentiment to make the audience "feel" like they care.

These mawkish comments about how the H1-B visa is for foreigners never mentions that these people making maudlin comments are blocking the poor people who could really benefit the most from immigration from immigrating.

So, he has carefully filled his post with nuggets like these so that we can focus on the substance of his post, rather than mawkish sentiments like: "How sad that a nice person can work hard for a year on a startup and not succeed".

Mawkish definitions


effusively or insincerely emotional; "a bathetic novel"; "maudlin expressions of sympathy"; "mushy effusiveness"; "a schmaltzy song"; "sentimental soap operas"; "slushy poetry"