Masochist in a sentence as a noun

Don't buy AMD unless you have a masochist streak.

Is he a masochist?I think he's hit a personal wall.

Are you some kind of masochist, or, God forbid, a self-hating Jew?

* Like snap said before : i've got the power...And most important : because i'm a masochist bastard, who has trust problems...

I am not sure whether to consider you a masochist or a hero!Do you have a write-up on how you are doing this?

> only a masochist with OCD thinks paths that long or deep are neededI'm surprised you can't imagine working on a path that deep.

I'm sure there's merit to this stuff but how many of these practices can one adopt before they transition from conqueror to masochist?

Truth is, nearly every great programmer I know is a masochist when it comes to figuring out difficult problems.

There is a masochist bent to many CS programs, where students are basically told that they need to "sink or swim", then get pushed into the water.

Masochist definitions


someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment