Mart in a sentence as a noun

Bezos is super smart; don't get me wrong. He just makes ordinary control freaks look like stoned hippies.

I'll gladly pay an additional 6-10% to keep avoiding Wal-mart or Target or even Home Depot. There are people like me who just really hate having to suit up and go shopping.

BMW could launch a bargain basement 0 series, or Wal-mart could start selling quality products. Fundamentally there isn't much point for either because it's not the right customer base.

If I put my price on the item then the fact that there is a wall mart 2 miles left of here and sells it for 1/2 what I do will be painfully apparent. I'll get very little 'exploratory' business because people won't even come in to check on something if they know I don't have that one thing they are looking for even if I do have things that they ARE looking for but forgot they needed.

For example, Ciavarella sentenced children to extended stays in juvenile detention for offenses as minimal as mocking a principal on Myspace, trespassing in a vacant building, and shoplifting DVDs from Wal-mart." Not saying this is what happened here, but a plausible hypothesis.

Mart definitions


an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up

See also: marketplace market