Marriageable in a sentence as an adjective

> The lack of marriageable women is a problem that can be solved by time.

It also just means "a young wife", or "a marriageable maiden" in ancient Greek.

The thing is if you're a women, the more you earn, the smaller the marriageable pool becomes.

So when a boy is of marriageable age, their parents go a matchmaker- and put forward their clauses.

You're acting like people get married on a hunch, or that people don't work hard to present themselves as "marriageable.

Due to biology, the marriageable age range for women doesn't really change as a guy gets older, unless he's done having kids or doesn't want them.

Takes 14-18 years to grow a girl of marriageable age, depending on where you live...Maybe a sophisticated market in wife futures will emerge.

Cue articles complaining about the shortage of marriageable men.

Meaning that the researchers found that the men were being judged based on their status relative to other men in the area to determine if they were marriageable.

People seem to find it easy to tolerate, oh going to temple instead of church, but if you disagree on marriageable age, slavery, or punishment then you're a monster.

In the absence of any statutory minimum age, one opinion is that the minimum common law marriageable age of 12 for girls and 14 for boys may still apply.

>as they aren't considered marriageable as they can't afford a houseIt's hard to imagine that this belief is somehow more deeply rooted than pair-bonding.

In the past for many if not all human cultures, most marriageable men that weren't set to inherit had to spend some time doing dangerous things before they had the social standing to marry.

The pool being larger has nothing to do with, for lack of a better term, marriageable people dwindling from the pool as time goes on. Sure you'll have more options overall at any point, that does not mean that you're not slowly losing options as people who are desirable life partners marry other people in the same position.

For instance, dudes that joined military or found work in different city are not on local marriage market, but they are marriageable wherever they currently are.

"They found that manufacturing declines significantly affected the supply of what they termed “marriageable” men—men who are not drinking or using ***** excessively and who have a job.

My observation is that nearly all of the marriageable women are in the latter category, and that men who have lots of casual sex in their 20s end up settling down with second-rate women when they're looking to get married.

[Edit] There is this, which seems to leave it to the nations:>>Article 12 – Right to marry>> Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right.

Marriageable definitions


of girls or women who are eligible to marry

See also: nubile